Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Earn a free children's mini-session ($175 value) {Lifestyle Photographer}

OK, here's the dealy-o:  In effort to help me launch my new Beautycounter business, book a social for me in your home with a minimum of 6 guests showing (invite at least 18, only 1/3 will show) in February and earn a free 30 minute mini photography session with your kids (kids only please).  
  See details below:

Beautycounter is the only skincare and makeup line that I've ever committed to in my 20+ years in the beauty and entertainment industry.  I like luxury but the plus side with this line is its safe for me and my family.  Think Chanel meets Whole Foods.  

Our mission is to get safe products into the hands of everyone.  YOU can help me achieve this by hosting a social with at least 6 confirmed guests (invite 15-20) and I'll do all the rest.  You do not have to serve food but a beverage is nice to offer. 
 Think Coffee Social, or Happy Hour Social, you get it.  

In return I will give you a 30 minute photography session with your kid(s) AND a CD with 6 beautifully edited images. Win for you, win for me!  

The first two clients who book a solid social in February with a minimum of 6 guests will EARN their session.  I will start a waiting list for others in the event a social gets cancelled due to sickness or low RSVPs.  Don't hesitate to email me with any questions:

Thank you!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

BEST. Cleanser. EVER!!!!! {Beautycounter}

I have been a makeup artist for 23 years and am always on the search for a most luxurious cleanser at a reasonable price.  Oh, and if it can double as a eye makeup remover all the better.  Let me introduce Beautycounter's Routine Clean Cream Cleanser.  I have used this for a week now and hands down this is the BEST cleanser I've ever used.  It washes away all of my makeup AND mascara, and by ALL I mean ALL.  I wear a lot of mascara (Can you say Tammy Faye Baker?) and this gently took it off without leaving a trace, nor do I wake up the next morning with raccoon eyes from residual mascara.  I swiped my face with a cotton pad and toner and there were no traces of makeup.  That never happens unless I use my Clarisonic.  I did not have to use my Clarisonic with this cleanser, it really works!  My skin felt supple and hydrated and nourished, no surprise because Beautycounter has a "Never List" of chemicals (over 1300+) they will never use in their products.  They are a transparent company with a mission to change the FDA's deregulation on dangerous and toxic chemicals in our beauty and hygiene products.  If you would like to try this cleanser, let me know, I can make it happen!  Also, check out and watch their brief video on Our Story.  It will amaze you, I promise!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Mayberry-Scott family {Rowan County Lifestyle Photographer}

It is always the biggest honor when a client books me for the second year in a row.  Jewell asked me to do another shoot for her daughter, Sarah, and grandkids, Cameron and Nora (how cute is that name?).
Sarah was in town briefly before Christmas and I was able to work it into my schedule and I'm so glad I did.  Children are just my favorite!  We decided on the Museum of Transportation in Spencer because Cameron loves trains.  What a great background for kids!  One of my most fun sessions of 2014.  Please enjoy these cherubs.

Sweet Nora, only 14 months old.  

And big brother Cameron, 4 years old


I love Cameron's expression!  He was so elated to drive.

The wonders of Christmas through a child's eyes are beautiful to me!

Because Polar Express was staged at the museum this year, we got to meet St. Nicholas.  Isn't he gorgeous?  And I love Nora's reaction to him.

Nora exploring the train.  I am crazy about this shot.

How beautiful is Sarah?  Such a cute family.  Maybe Daddy can join them next year, his job kept him behind.

Jewell with her sweet grand babies!  Isn't she a young-looking grandma?

This was Nora's first candy cane in life.  I love capturing "firsts."

Cameron is pretty cute with his candy cane as well.

Running around the gravel yard made for fun backgrounds.  Look at this angel face, I mean, really!

Gotta get a B&W in there… I was chasing Nora around the huge Christmas tree.

I love capturing the sweetness of siblings.  I hope they grow up to cherish this shot.  

Wasn't that fun?!!!  Hope it filled your cute tank today.  I'm overflowing.  
Thanks, Jewell, for inviting me to spend time with your lovely family again.  Thanks to you too, Sarah, for trusting me with your sweet babes.  I look forward to seeing them grow up.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Barr Family {Rowan County Family/Lifestyle Photographer}

You know those families you meet in life that feel like your very own?  The Barr family is mi familia for sure!  Gwin bid for my photography package at the Salisbury Academy Kids Bloom Auction (every May, check it out) for a kids' session and family portrait for their Christmas card.  Being that they all tan beautifully, she scheduled our shoot in August before their golden skin faded.  Yes, people, you can start your Christmas card portraits in the summer, a much slower time of year for me as I'm not a wedding photographer! 
It was a gorgeous, sunny, summer day, not too terribly hot or humid, and well before school started so the kids were very playful.  And so was I!
After snapping shots of the kids, Charlie got the idea for some golf shots and since many of my best images come from kid's ideas, I was game.  

Enjoy the Barr family!  If it doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what would.

This was actually our last shot of the day.  What a gorgeous family!

What beauties….  I adore these three!

This is Sweet Annabel and if you don't know her, I call her sweet because I've known her two years and have never heard a cruel, cross or snarky word come out of her mouth (and I'm her middle school art teacher and have seen her mostly in a middle school atmosphere… remember middle school, ugh!).  She is kind, compassionate, bright and always looks for the silver lining.  She's a tremendous volleyball player; keep your eye on this gal.

Such crystal blue eyes….

This is Charlie.  Charlie is so funny and sarcastic and once I met dad, Matt, it ALL made sense.  Funny!  He's also bright, handsome, and athletic.  He'll probably be a pro-golfer soon enough so keep your eyes on Charlie Barr, but I could also see him as a politician because he has conviction and doesn't apologize for his views.  He'd of course be the "good" kind of politician; he'd get my vote!


Then there was Lucy!  Lucy is unlike any baby-of-the-family that I've ever known.  Lucy Barr is a leader.  She's going to be a CEO or run a huge ministry.  She's funny and sarcastic beyond her years, enter her dad, Matt!  Again, funny people!  Lucy has a smile that lights up a whole room and I've often overheard people comment on her smile and sunny disposition, enter mom, Gwin!  Sunny, happy people!  I love this kid!

Pure Lucy

Gotta get a black & white in

This is where Charlie tells me to hop on a golf cart…. ever have an 11 year old drive you?  It takes trust, people, trust!  

But it was worth it for fun golf shots.

keep your eye on the ball….. see it?


Tucker came along for the ride and then they started wrestling, and well, one of my favorite shots EVER!

Let's end our time here with a sweet sister shot.  DARLING!!!!

Gwin, I cannot thank you enough for bidding on my package and allowing me to capture your beautiful family!  You truly are my sister from another mister, and Matt, my brother from another mother.  I love you, Barr family!!!!!