Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall !!!!!!

This is our first fall in North Carolina as home owners.  We've been warned by neighbors for 6 months how bad fall is here when the leaves fall.  How bad could it be?  Look at how GORGEOUS this neighborhood is!  We think the beauty of the trees is worth the work, but ask me in another 4 weeks what we truly think.

Gracie timidly walking into a leaf pile.  She doesn't understand diving in.

She did understand throwing leaves up into the air though......

and loved it........

Repeating the process over and over again.  

This is our home in mid-Fall.  Check out my very first post back in spring and you'll see the difference in shade and lighting, and LEAVES!

Rob got a new gas-powered leaf blower for his birthday.  He loves it!  That's fortunate because it took over 4 hours to make the pile below.

Oh wait, this pile was only 1 hour into the blowing process.

 THIS is the pile of leaves after 4 hours of blowing AND they run along the entire length of our curb.  This is Gracie standing in the street and I'm photographing her from the lawn.  Truly waist deep.  We're told this is only the beginning and we haven't seen nothing yet.  Oh oh.

 These Californians can't believe the amount of leaves here. 
 Keep checking back for more Fall coverage. 

1 comment:

  1. Loving this season too! Thanks for the beautiful pictures Michelle!
