Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Day of Kindergarten

How is my baby in kindergarten already?  It happened overnight, I mean, she was JUST born!  I've heard the stories for years of moms sobbing the first day their babies start kindergarten but I didn't even shed a tear, not even misty eyed.  How could I?  See Gracie's expression below?  She was exuberant!  It was a happy, joyful morning in the Spieler household.  We were even on time (for those of you who have known us a long time, that is a rarity).  I even had time to take photos to truly capture Gracie's special day.  

I love this shot of total joy and excitement!

So why did we select a private kindergarten over public?  TIRE SWING!  Everyone who asks Gracie where she is going is told "St. John's, because they have a tire swing."

After Gracie quickly checked out her classroom and met her teachers, she got right to building.  She is her father's daughter.  She built this house after about 2 minutes out of these cool magnetic shapes.  After building she stopped at the science table and examined rocks with magnifying glasses and played with the cause and effects of magnets.  Did I mention she is her father's daughter?  She was the only kid out of 20 to play at the science table in the hour we were all there.

Today was just an hour "Drop In Day".  We'll see how I hold up tomorrow as my little girl enters her first full day of kindergarten.  She is going to have the greatest year!


  1. Gracie looks so grown-up with her hair pulled back. I can't believe she's in kindergarten. Seems like yesterday she was born and Rick started at Disney.

    1. Suzie, tell Rick Happy 5th Disney Anniversary!!!!!! time flies, eh?
