Friday, May 25, 2012

Gracie's Dresser Project

As we moved into our home I realized that Gracie needed a dresser.  Back in California her dresser was built into her closet.  I didn't want to purchase a new one for budgetary reasons and also because it's very hard to find "real wood" any more, everything is MDF now.  I headed to the Habitat For Humanity Restore and within minutes found a large, 6 drawer, white dresser in REAL wood for only $55.  It was painted white but had hand painted wavy blue stripes all over the top and ugly ceramic white knobs with painted blue stars (sorry, no before shots, but trust me, it was 90s UGLY).  I saw great potential!  We loaded it up (it was SO heavy) and took it home for a good vacuuming to remove spider eggs sacs and years of dust.  Then I sanded it and gave it a good TSP bath.  Thanks to my mom-in-law, I'm a HUGE TSP fan.  I then painted it a creamy white (paint I already had) and painted the inside drawers a light aqua.  Now I needed knobs.  Knobs are expensive, and I wanted vintage glass knobs.  After much searching, I resorted to online shopping and found glass knobs on Amazon.  Usually glass knobs are about $5-6 each, and I needed 12.  I found a company called Knobs and More selling vintage glass knobs at $29.95 for a dozen.  Perfect!  They just arrived yesterday and I think they look adorable.  Voila!  The dresser is complete and cost under $100.  What do you think?  

Aren't these sweet?  They are clear glass flowers.  Gracie just loves opening and closing her drawers.